Village Monde / Vaolo

Launched by the Village Monde Foundation, Vaolo is a collaborative platform for impact-minded travellers that aims to build a worldwide library of positive travel experiences evaluated by its community of explorers and partners according to its evaluation criteria. Already in 71 countries, in 2023 the young company is energizing more than 2,500 accommodations and offers more than 6,500 thematic experiences in 2-night + 1 activity format.

Samuel Maret
Through its Academies and its inventory of experiences, Vaolo seeks to propel change by proposing a new way of traveling and discovering our world that is imbued with ethics, justice and social responsibility.
Mission — Inspire change through travel and human connections
Vision — To become the global reference for off the beaten path travels with local impacts.
Solution — Propel a collaborative platform to support, connect, promote and foster the growth of a community of travelers, explorers and local actors, through the unique, immersive and human-scale accommodation and experiences offered on our platform.

The Dream That Brings Us Together
Village Monde promotes a journey to the heart of the planet, of encounters, respect and authenticity. Through its actions and commitments, the organization contributes to a viable planetary living together, rich in our differences, respectful of people and the ecosystems we inhabit.

Actions That Commit Us
More specifically, Village Monde promotes the growth of sustainable tourism in remote areas as a source of development, sovereignty and pride for communities, and a source of discovery, inspiration and change for travellers seeking to meet new people, experience authenticity and share experiences.
Partnership with Nomad's Land
Nomad's Land and Village Monde have been working together since 2017 to promote sustainable tourism in Kyrgyzstan. The partnership has resulted in the development of Kyrgyzstan as a destination of the website, which in 2023 showcases 160 different homestays and tourism services in the country offered by local families.